CASE STUDY: Exploring the Future of Packaging

Atlantic Packaging

Prepared & Facilitated by:

Clair Purcell & Brandi Parker

Over the past three years, See Change has been on a journey to explore the future of packaging, using our platform to build relationships and facilitate new ways of thinking. Along the way, we’ve been fortunate to meet some truly incredible people that are changing the world through their work; like key collaborator, designer and industry veteran Brandi Parker and our partner, an actual hub of energy and innovation, Atlantic Packaging. Early on, Atlantic inspired us with a hopeful perspective: unlike other major global issues, the plastic pollution crisis has many clear solutions that can be implemented in the near term and realized through innovation, collaboration, and hard work. Let’s go!

In our latest flagship event, we partnered with Brandi to design and lead the packaging track, with Atlantic Packaging as the core partner supporting the work. Our goal: to rethink & reimagine packaging as part of a truly circular system and to identify industry levers that can accelerate this transformation. We brought together a diverse group of leaders and experts, both from inside and outside the industry, to explore bold approaches, share insights, and challenge conventional thinking—while enjoying some fun along the way 🏄.

The following case study outlines the intentions, goals, and outcomes of the gathering and sets the stage for continued exploration. We’re looking forward to our next steps in the packaging industry, and hope to continue creating value through the work and network that’s growing here.

✌The See Change Crew

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